Stops Near Me is a transit stops portal near you. It should show the transit real times for the stops near you. If in case there is trouble in fetching the real times, schedule times can be seen by clicking the stop code link in the pop up or by searching for the stops code in the schedules page.
Real times are synced about each minute to display the recent times.
There will be accurate and more real times at the end of each trip compared to the begining of the trip.
Schedule times are for 30 hour clock, meaning say if the schedule time is 30:01:11, it means that the transit will arrive at about 6:01:11 am the next day.
Service alerts (new) page , updated daily shows any disruptions to the service or for change(s) in the transit stop(s) ordered by the highest severity first. Severe alerts are shown as a banner in the home page.
Address search (new) allows to search for address on the map within Canada only. Search full addresses like `340 W Georgia St Vancouver`. Suffix street names with St and use city names when needed.
This portal is now set up for Vancouver, BC and Calgary, AB (new). Please contact us if stops near me needs to be setup for your region.